Earn money with us

We offer a referral program for retail stores, pubs, clubs, bars, holiday resorts, mail order businesses and websites, so that you can introduce Let's Party Mobile Disco & Karaoke Roadshow to your customers and get paid for any bookings that you refer. Not only is it an easy additional income stream for you, it's a great value added service for your customers.

Retail Stores, Pubs, Bars, Clubs, Resorts

If you have a retail store, pub, bar or club you can earn extra income through our referral program - it's easy and completely free. It's also a great value added service for your customers.

What we will do for you:

  • Pay you advertising income of £10 per booking.
  • Pay you annually by bank transfer or in shopping vouchers.
  • Provide a banner link for you to sign up to our affiliate programme on your site.
  • Provide uniquely coded leaflets which are traceable to your business and point of sale dispensers for you to display in prominent locations in your premises.

How does it work? 
We send you a small but very attractive counter dispenser and a supply of leaflets and posters to display in a prominent place in your premises (by the main entrance or function room diary works well). On the reverse of the leaflets is a number unique to your business, this number is picked up by our website and call centre whenever a disco is booked. The referrals are stored in our database and we pay you for those referrals that book on an annual basis (we pay you on the 1st December - just in time for christmas). If you generate just 10 bookings for us throughout the year, that would be an extra £100 income for your business.

You can see online how many sales you've generated via our 'Dealer extranet' - you can also request more leaflets online as well as being able to change your details if required.

The dispenser and leaflets are free and you can have more sent to you at any time - again completely free of charge.

How to sign up 
Drop us an email lets-party@live.co.uk or call Craig on 07912 866 833 to register your interest and we will get the leaflets to you asap so that you can start earning.

Do you have a website? 
If you have a website you can also place one of our banners or text links on your website and benefit from any sales generated online through those links. Sales are tracked in the same way and you can request a sales update at any time. 

Do you have any questions about the referral programme?
Ask away - contact the marketing team

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